
Elevenses is a responsive programme of informal online sessions exploring a range of themes to support your work, from specialist topics, national news or subjects important to us in the North region. As the name suggests, they take place 11am-12noon across the year and there is no need to book, a joining link is made available on the MD North website.
At Elevenses we invite a range of experts to give a 15-20 minute presentation and then it’s over to you to ask questions, comment or update us on developments in your own work. Everyone who works or volunteers in museums is most welcome, including museum freelancers who want to stay connected.
Elevenses is a place for you to gain new insights, meet colleagues and connect with the MD North team. If you have any ideas for future sessions then please email them to hello@museumdevelopmentnorth.org.uk.
For details of the Elevenses programme visit here.