Seeds for Action: In Focus – Integrating climate action across your organisation

Seeds for Action: In Focus is a series of thematic workshops focusing on how we can build connections to support our climate work.
This session is for you if you are interested in:
- Embedding climate action within your organisation’s working practice, aims and values
- Rolling out Carbon Literacy training across your workforce
There will be a lightning talk from Ashleigh Owen, Visitor Team Manager at the Whitworth. Ashleigh will share how they are greening the gallery, rolling out Carbon Literacy training and taking action within the Visitor Team and beyond. Find out how actions are being embedded from performance reviews to gallery tours. See how they are connecting environmental responsibility to their organisational aims and values.
What do the sessions involve?
At these thematic workshops, we’ll be looking at how we can encourage positive connections which lead to action within our own organisations, with external partners, and with our audiences. There will be lightning talks from your fellow Carbon Literacy graduates, and time to connect with others tackling similar issues.