Arts Council England updates Accreditation guidance

Arts Council England (ACE) has published updated guidance documents for meeting the Accreditation Standard. These have been reviewed and updated to better serve museums and galleries that wish to go through the Accreditation process – making the content easier to follow and more accessible.

The Accreditation Standard and its requirements have not changed since the 2018 version – this is an update of the guidance supporting museums working through it. The ACE webpages hosting Accreditation information have also had a revamp – meaning you can find all the information you need on two handy pages: the Accreditation homepage and the new dedicated Guidance Library.

In addition to updated guidance documents on how to meet the Standard, there’s a new section in the Guidance Library specifically for first time applicants with Eligibility Questionnaire support. There’s a section with guidance on using Grantium and you can also download a documentation checklist and a copy of the full question set to use in your Accreditation return planning. Have a look around the website to see what’s changed.

We have also updated the Accreditation advice page on the MDN website too.

MD North’s Accreditation Advisers, Emma Chaplin and Heather Lomas, will be talking you through the new guidance in our Elevenses, Monday 20 January – Introducing the updated guidance for Accreditation – what has changed?, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions. There’s no need to book for this session, just click on the link to join on the day.

And on Tuesday 21 January Heather will be running an interactive online workshop for museums getting ready to make an Accreditation return – for more details and to book a place see Getting ready to make an Accreditation return.

Priority on this workshop will be given to museums in the north of England who have been invited to submit a return in 2025, museums with provisional status, museums which last submitted a return in 2016 and have not yet received an invitation letter, and museums which are Working Towards Accreditation and looking to submit their full application for Accreditation. If that’s not you but you want to find out more, join us for Elevenses.