Resource Category: Intellectual Property Rights

IPR – New copyright Legislation

Museum Development Yorkshire IPR Advice Sheet 8. This advice sheet is about changes to the UK’s legislative framework as outlined in new Copyright Regulations in 2014, amending the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 2014, and their impact on the work of museums.

IPR – Museums orphan works and risk management

Museum Development Yorkshire IPR Advice Sheet 7. This advice sheet is about what you need to know about Orphan Works and risk management. It explains the new Orphan Works solutions introduced by the UK Government in 2014 and the role of risk management in a 21st century museum. The fact sheet also suggests appropriate resources that can be used by museums to search for rights holders.

IPR – Carrying out an IPR audit

Museum Development Yorkshire IPR Advice Sheet 6. This advice sheet is about what you need to know about carrying out an intellectual property rights (IPR) audit, including what a museum needs to carry out an audit.

Further IPR information advice accompaniment

Museum Development Yorkshire IPR Advice Sheet 5. This document has further information, including sources, to be used in conjunction with:

  • Advice Sheet 1 Guidance on IPR in museum image collections
  • Advice Sheet 2 Exploiting the museum’s IPR and cultural assets for financial benefit
  • Advice Sheet 3 Securing IPR as part of good museum collections management and documentation
  • Advice Sheet 4 Working with film and television productions at your museum

IPR – Working with film and TV companies

Museum Development Yorkshire IPR Advice Sheet 4. This advice sheet is about the necessary arrangements for museums in working with production companies who use the museum buildings, the grounds, facilities and their collections as a location for filming and making TV programmes.

IPR – Securing IPR as Part of Good Museum Collections Management and Documentation

Museum Development Yorkshire IPR Advice Sheet 3. This advice sheet is about ensuring that intellectual property rights (IPR) within a museum are managed and fully documented so that a museum can make full and clear use of the assets in question.

IPR – Exploiting Cultural Assets

Museum Development Yorkshire IPR Advice Sheet 2. This advice sheet is about exploiting a museum’s assets – both physical and intangible – for financial gain.

IPR and CA Advice Sheets Introduction

These advice sheets provide a practical introduction to and guidance in the management of IPR and cultural assets in museums and were originally developed as part of a Renaissance Yorkshire programme on the Effective Management of Intellectual Property Rights and Cultural Assets in 2010-11 in association with Naomi Korn.