National Museums Liverpool – Collections Care ‘Bitesize’ Talks

National Museums Liverpool are hosting more 30 minute lunchtime collections care talks with the next one is September by Jane Henderson.

11 September 13.00, online

Jane Henderson
Jane Henderson is professor of Conservation and the Secretary General of the International Institute of Conservation. She serves on the editorial panel of the Journal of the Institute for Conservation and the Science Museum Journal, as well as acting president of the Welsh Federation of Museums and Art Galleries.  Jane serves on the European standards body CEN TC/346/WG11 and is the chair of the BSI standard group B/560 concerned with the conservation of Tangible Cultural heritage. Jane was honoured to win the Plowden medal in 2021.

Touching the past

This talk will start by explaining why you might see signs saying ‘do not touch’ when you visit museums. Jane will go on to explore whether museums have been unnecessarily cautious when it comes to touching and ask what are the benefits that people can gain from touching historic collections. In exploring a new world of tangible engagement, museum managers and conservators still must consider how they balance the needs of users of today with the needs of users of the future. This talk will give an insight into the management strategy of conservators at the museum.

Join the Teams meeting on the day via this link