Book Events

Elevenses, Thursday 13 February, Pilgrim Trust Grants
Nikola Burdon, Grants Manager at The Pilgrim Trust, will talk about their Preservation and Conservation funding which provides grants to preserve and conserve significant historic buildings, structures, objects, works of art, collections and records. The Trust is keen to encourage more applications from the North of England. Nik will go through the priorities for the […]

Carbon Literacy Course
Part 1: Course materials distributed: on Wednesday 5 February Part 2: Wednesday 12 February: 10:00-12:30 Part 3: Thursday 13 February: 10:00-11:45 and 13:00-14:45 Summary: Carbon Literacy Course for people that work and volunteer in museums Who is the course aimed at? This course is for volunteers and paid staff who work across all service areas from Accredited Museums or […]

Seeds for Action: In Focus – Collections Care
Seeds for Action: In Focus – Collections Care Many museums are already feeling the effects of the increasing frequent extreme weather events and climate change impacts. These long-term environmental changes mean museums must adapt how we manage and operate buildings to care for collections, whilst supporting communities and educating the public on climate action. This […]

Transforming Collections: Collections Review, Online
Are you looking to develop the collections at your museum to ensure they are relevant for today and in the future? The Transforming Collections programme is a series of sessions designed to help us to think about how we can explore, question, and review collections and collections information collaboratively to build more inclusive collections development […]

MDN Forum – Goole Museum
Come along to meet colleagues across the region and hear about A Stitch in Time: The Story of Burton’s Factory. The exhibition is entirely based on memories, photographs, film and objects donated by former Burton’s workers. Materials were gathered over 10 months mainly through oral history interviews, memory cafes and engagement via social media. The […]

Emergency Salvage Workshop at the Lancashire Conservation Studios, Preston
The Emergency Salvage Workshop, a half-day session delivered by Harwell Document Restoration Services, will support museum staff and volunteers to develop skills in emergency response including: Incident containment and methods to deal with leaks Risk assessment, salvage set-up and triage Handling and triage decision making by object type Using disaster kits Practical exercises with mock […]

Emergency Salvage Workshop at the Lancashire Conservation Studios, Preston
The Emergency Salvage Workshop, a half-day session delivered by Harwell Document Restoration Services, will support museum staff and volunteers to develop skills in emergency response including: Incident containment and methods to deal with leaks Risk assessment, salvage set-up and triage Handling and triage decision making by object type Using disaster kits Practical exercises with mock […]

Emergency Planning Course: Online
The Emergency Planning Online Course, delivered by Harwell Document Restoration Services over two half-day sessions, is designed to support your museum to develop an effective emergency plan. Session 1: Tuesday 4 February, 10am-12.30pm The first session will focus on: Effective incident response for water damage incidents, including risk assessment and containment Dealing with fire situations, […]