Arts Council England – Invitation to Quote: Accreditation Mentor Handbook
The Accreditation Mentors handbook is the key document to support Accreditation Mentors in their vital role as part of the UK wide Museum Accreditation Scheme. The handbook was published in 2011 and needs a review to ensure it remains fit for purpose. As such ACE is pleased to be inviting quotes to undertake this important review.
The aim of this work is to undertake a full review of the current handbook and alongside design and accessibility support from the Arts Council, generate a new version of the handbook.
Considerations include:
The scheme is UK wide, and the handbook needs to reflect this.
The Accreditation Standard was reviewed in 2018 and the handbook needs to mirror updates to the wider scheme
The handbook needs to be fully accessible
The handbook needs to reflect current best practice for volunteering
There may be some minor additional resources related to the handbook which will fall under this review
The budget for this work is a maximum of £10,000 inclusive of VAT.
All quotations should be received no later than 5pm 15/11/2024.
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