Advice And Guidance Following Recent Riots
As a response to recent events some museums contacted us seeking advice on the security of historic buildings. All of Arts Council England’s security resources are available on Collections Trust’s website – Security advice – Collections Trust. These include the Museum Security Toolkit and Security Audit to help venues review their security and identify any gaps. Also on the website is Security Threats to Collections which deals with criminal activity.
These resources were reviewed in May 2024 so please do ensure that you are using this updated guidance when reviewing or updating your own security arrangements.
Advice from ACE’s National Security Adviser is to liaise with your local police to see if they have any information they can share on possible expected disorders in your area.
If museums have current loans under the Government Indemnity Scheme or from national collections, they can contact Arts Council England directly at
Museums can also sign up to the National Museums Security Group. It is open to all public museums and galleries and provides members with the latest intelligence from cultural venues across the UK via email alert and an integrated information database, ensuring members are kept up to date with important security alerts as they happen, including during the current wave of incidents.
Staff and visitor safety and wellbeing
These are difficult and worrying times for all – staff, volunteers, boards and visitors. The Museums Association’s Wellbeing Hub provides resources for supporting colleagues. Within the MA’s different campaigns you can also find practical resources on staff and visitor health and wellbeing as well as supporting communities.
A statement here from the Chief Executive of the NCVO (National Council of Voluntary Organisations) includes links to advice and support on supporting your workforce, managing risk, communicating in a crisis and other topics.
Useful resources are also available from GLAM Cares, a care and support network for people who work with communities in galleries, libraries, museums and heritage.
Finally, read a statement from Darren Henley, Chief Executive of Arts Council England, and news from the Museums Association.