Month: May 2024

Local Government Association – Culture Peer Challenges for Local Authorities
The Local Government Association and Arts Council England are offering fully-funded culture peer challenges for councils to help inform strategic activity tailored to their local place and communities. Peer challenges are carried out to your specification aimed at improving, not judging, your council. The peer challenges take place across two days (your council will choose […]

Request for Display Case for Engine Shed at Ingrow
The Engine Shed at Ingrow (formerly Ingrow Loco Museum) in Keighley, West Yorkshire are looking for a table top (or on a pedestal) glass display case suitable to house a small model railway for a permanent exhibition. The internal size would need to be a minimum of 1300 x 650 x 250mm. If you can […]

Helping Hands Cumbrian Volunteering Project
Helping Hands has been an Arts Council England funded county-wide volunteering project across Cumbria led by Cumbria Museums Consortium. Here Faye Morrissey, Manager & Curator of The Armitt, Ambleside reflects on its impact: Although I am disappointed to see it come to an end, I am extremely grateful for all the hard work and support […]

Heritage Volunteering Group
The Heritage Volunteering Group (HVG) are dedicated to deepening the impact of volunteering across the heritage sector by empowering organisations to harness the potential of volunteering to transform organisations, lives, and communities. As a membership organisation, they are a powerful advocate for volunteering, working to enhance volunteer management capacity within organisations, and support members’ professional […]

Heather Lane: Volunteering at the Museum of North Craven Life
Heather Lane is Honorary Curator at the Museum of North Craven Life and Chair of Trustees of the North Craven Building Preservation Trust. Here she explains the impact of volunteering on her and the organisation: ‘In September 2019, I answered an advert for a new Honorary Curator at the Museum of North Craven Life at […]

Two Northern Museums To Pilot Sensational Museum Project
The Sensational Museum Project aims to rethink the role of senses in all aspects of museum work, from accession, cataloguing and collections, through to curating, exhibitions and the visitor experience. The £1m initiative is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and supported by a range of industry partners, including the Museums Association. Ten […]

Success for Northern Museums at the Museums + Heritage Awards 2024
We are very pleased to announce that the Roots and Branches programme has been awarded Sustainable Project of the Year at the Museums + Heritage Awards 2024. It won the award jointly with The Scottish Crannog Centre for their 1000 Fingerprints 1000 Voices project. Roots and Branches is a collaboration between The Carbon Literacy Project, Museum Development England, and Manchester Museum. It is […]

Arts Council England Capital Investment Fund – Northern Museums Receive Funding
Three northern museums have benefited from the second round of Arts Council England’s Capital Investment Fund. Durham County Council Museums & Collections – the former Durham Light Infantry Museum & Art Gallery will receive £500,000 to reopen as a significant cultural centre in the Durham Innovation District, showcasing high quality exhibitions by local, national and […]

Whitby Museum – Our Lasses Exhibition
Our Lasses: Inspirational Women of Whitby is running until December 2024 at Whitby Museum. Our Lasses looks at some of the women who have helped shape Whitby, the famous and infamous, the ordinary to the flamboyant! From St Hild to Beth Mead, Whitby has forged many great women. Find out about the struggle for Votes […]

Request for Display Cases for Showtown Blackpool
Showtown Blackpool are looking for two display cases for use in an upcoming temporary exhibition. They would like one costume case and one table-top vitrine. They are open to discussing different dimensions, but the maximum height for a case would be 2000mm. The exhibition they are being used in begins install in mid-June and is […]
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